Six years ago, everything about me changed. I found my passion, and it transformed my relationship with myself and with others. Passion is more than just an interest or hobby—it’s a force that drives you, keeps you engaged, and brings you a deep sense of fulfillment.

From a young age, I was fascinated by hardware, software, and networking. Growing up in Nigeria, I was among the first to frequent internet cafes, spending days and nights surfing the web, exploring, and absorbing everything I could. Back then, I never imagined that this curiosity could turn into a profession—it was just something I loved doing.

Interestingly, my first career path was in professional photography. I traveled across Nigeria capturing memories during matriculations and graduations. At the time, I saw photography simply as a job, but little did I know it would spark my passion for web design and development. Editing and presenting my photos online introduced me to the world of digital creativity, and from there, I began diving deeper into IT. That passion has only grown stronger over the years.

Today, my passion extends across all areas of IT. I’ve worked in different places around the world—Canada, the USA, and Qatar—experiencing various aspects of life and work. However, no matter where I went or what I did, IT always called me back. I realized that money was never my main motivator; instead, innovation and curiosity about technology fueled my drive.

This passion has brought me far, allowing me to keep learning, evolving, and adapting to new challenges in the ever-changing world of technology.

Finding my passion has been the best thing in my life. It has given me purpose, direction, and most importantly, happiness. I no longer live a boring life, stuck in jobs I don’t enjoy. I refuse to sabotage my own happiness by doing work that doesn’t excite me.

Through this journey, I have learned the importance of self-compassion. I’ve made mistakes—many of them—but I accept them as part of my growth. I am grateful to all my teachers and my mindfulness community for guiding me along the way. Above all, I remain humble, open to learning, and willing to help others find their own passion.

If you haven’t found your passion yet, don’t worry. Keep exploring, stay curious, and trust the Universe . When you find it, your life will change in ways you never imagined.

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